Walk and run in August and raise
funds to feed disadvantaged
children in Venezuela

Join the Venezuelan Community in Ireland in our second virtual
challenge: Run To Feed
Set a personal target of either walking or running a distance of 10 kilometers or 15 kilometers in total throughout the entire month of August and join us on Aug 26th for our Family Day.
Not only will you be getting active as part of this challenge but you will be going the extra mile to help feed 50 children and 5 volunteers mother from the Programme meal "El Palaciero" Edo. Lara.
The event is free for everyone to sign up and you contribute to the meals programme by purchasing the T-shirt from the challenge or making any contribution.
Share the link with your friends, family, or colleagues and ask them to get involved and take on the challenge with you!
Don't forget to take pictures in Aug and tag us using #everystepcounts

Sign up below and you will receive a confirmation email with a welcoming pack that includes:
Spotify Playlist to get you in the mood
Our recommended apps for tracking your daily Km
Pre and post-running videos
Your daily run or walk plan
Kick-off July 29th, 2023
Now that you are set, you can select how you would like to contribute:
Take part and spread the word
Now that you’re signed up and ready to get active, you can help us spread the word! Share the link with your friends, family, or colleagues to get more people involved and to have some fun.
What is the Run To Feed Virtual Challenge?
The aim of the Run to Feed Virtual Challenge is to set a personal target of either walking or running a distance of 10 or 15 kilometers throughout the entire month of August. With the funds you help raise by participating in this challenge, VCI will be able to better support the operation and distribution of the school meals programme at "the Palaciero" Edo Lara.
What is ‘Merienda Escolar’?
‘Merienda Escolar’ is a daily school meals programme that feeds 50 children and 5 volunteers mothers, between the ages of 3 and 12 years old who live in extreme poverty. These children are part of the Prgramme meal Alimenta la Solidaridad to "El Placiero" Lara State.
Do I have to complete the 10 km or 15 km in just one day?
No, not at all! The goal is to complete whichever total you set for yourself (10km or 15km ) over the course of the entire month of August. It is entirely up to you how you choose to complete it but most people aim to achieve between 2 and 3 km a day. Whether you’re new to fitness or have spent years pounding the pavement, do what best suits you and your lifestyle!
Do I have to run 10km or 15km?
The best thing about this challenge is that you can run, jog or walk - the choice is entirely yours! If you’re new to running and don’t know where to start, we suggest you begin by walking. This is a personal challenge and all we ask is that you do your best, adhere to all public health guidance, and have some fun!
Why should I sign up for the Run to Feed Virtual Challenge?
First and foremost, you will be helping VCI raise much-needed funds to support the regular delivery of a school meals programme for children in Venezuela who live well below the poverty line and lack fundamental access to basic food staples. By participating in this challenge, you will not only raise awareness of an excellent cause but will get fit and active in the process.
Daily activity helps lift our mood, improve our well-being, and reduce stress and anxiety. By participating in this virtual challenge, you will get all the motivation and support you need to get out and move. Why not share this virtual challenge with family and friends together you'll have fun, get fit and maybe even begin a new healthy habit for the future.
How do I track my total daily km?
To track the number of kilometers you walk, jog, or run, we recommend you use https://www.strava.com/, https://www.nike.com/nrc-app, https://www.samsung.com/global. or use your preferred app. You can download the app to begin tracking your distance.
Do I need to prove I completed the challenge?
No, you won’t have to prove you completed the challenge. But, if you want to feel that sense of accountability for yourself, you are more than welcome to share your progress with others on social media.
Once you complete the challenge, why not take a screenshot of the total number of kilometers you ran or walked and send them to us via e-mail at info@venezuelancommunity.org with the subject line ‘Run To Feed - Challenge completed’. There will be a certificate of completion for everyone who successfully completes the challenge and shares with us the kilometers. Please include your name in the email.
Do I need to share the link to take part in the challenge?
Taking part in this challenge is an entirely personal decision. You do not have to donate to or share the link for the challenge. However, we invite you to support the Venezuelan Community in Ireland by helping us to raise awareness of food insecurity and malnutrition among school-going children in Venezuela and any donation you’re willing to make will go a long way to supporting the delivery of the Merienda Escolar school meals programme.