Caring for Venezuelans in Ireland and back home
At VCI we show our care by developing projects and organising inclusion activities for Venezuelan migrants to participate in the economic, social and cultural life in Ireland.
We create alliances with other non-profits organisations that work hands-on-field in the most needed areas of Venezuela, focusing on providing aid in food, nutrition and medicines supplies to the most vulnerable.
Why You Should Care
Venezuela faces an economic, social and political crisis. Since 2015, a humanitarian emergency with severe food and medical shortages. 7 million people are food-insecure, and migration has become a new phenomenon, with more than 5 million Venezuelans fleeing the country.
Despite what we see online, we know the reality is different for Venezuelans facing the crisis, and challenging for those who had the opportunity to start a new life abroad.
We believe Venezuela needs more alliances between the diaspora and organisations on the ground to help the most vulnerable, children and women, that rely on humanitarian assistance.
Our fellows living in Ireland deserve to feel included, with the right tools and information to thrive in their new home and feel connected with our culture and people.

Acting as a link
between NGOs that
operate in Venezuela
and donors in Ireland to
support food and health
programs and more.

Supporting social inclusion and development for Venezuelans, to positively influence their lives in Ireland.
We champion and support volunteer groups, individuals and activities that promote Venezuelan culture, customs, and values in Ireland.
Humanitarian Aid
Our Pillars
Venezuelan Community Achievements

Social Inclusion and Cultural Events

Meals provided to children in poverty

Medicines and medical supplies chanelled to Venezuela

Patients obtained medical check-ups and assitance
Our Humanitarian Partners
As a community that operates solely with the support from the Venezuelan diaspora and collaborators in Ireland, we aim to fairly distribute donations received across our different partner organisations.
As an organisation, we deliver projects and initiatives that aim to raise awareness of the current humanitarian situation in Venezuela and assist humanitarian work in collaboration with reliable and legit organisations.

Alimenta la Solidaridad
We established a new relationship with “Alimenta la Solidaridad”, a Venezuelan nonprofit organisation and social movement that supports a network of more than 240 community kitchens throughout the country to provide daily meals to more than 16,000 children.
As part of this partnership, we have supported the community kitchen located at “El Palaciero” in Lara State, Venezuela, covering 40% of the daily kilocalories' requirement for infants from birth to 12 years old.
The partnership is also building the Female Leadership Programme, to support the children's mothers who are potential victims of domestic violence and offering tools for female entrepreneurship.

Seno Salud Europa
Since late 2018, VCI has supported Senosalud-Europa in the shipment of medicines and medical supplies to cancer patients in Venezuela. During this partnership, we have shipped humanitarian aid to three separate NGOs in Venezuela, including Senosalud Venezuela (Caracas), Seno & Vida (San Cristobal) and Fundanica (Valencia).
During the COVID-19 crisis, the Hospital Paraguaná in
Punto Fijo (Venezuela) struggled to acquire and pay for personal protective equipment. Through this partnership, the community sent 68 kg worth of medicines and medical supplies, including pain relief chemotherapy and hormonal treatments.
Be part of the community

Primeros Auxilios Luz
From 2017 until 2020, our partnership with Dale La Mano a un Hermano and Primeros Auxilios Luz (PALUZ) enabled VCI to support a school meals programme in a primary school called “Victor Lino Gómez'' located in Cabimas, Zulia State, Venezuela.
The programme aimed to significantly improve childhood nutrition among participants and supply daily lunches for over 250 children.
We also collaborate to bring free basic healthcare to the most vulnerable and deprived communities in Zulia, Venezuela. Making a significant donation of furniture and equipment that made possible 7 of this medical check-ups where +300 people benefited.

Ven Da Tu Mano
The partnership with Ven Da Tu Mano includes working closely to raise awareness about the current crisis in the Venezuelan health sector through webinars; raising funds to support health workers in various public hospitals in Venezuela dedicated to the treatment and care of COVID-19 patients (Hospitales Centinelas).
We also collaborated with the organisation to carry out medical services in a rural community; alleviating logistics and administrative costs to deliver internal medicine, cardiology, paediatrics, dentistry, dermatology, gynecologic, obstetrics as well as guidance on sexual/reproductive health and family planning to ‘La Macanilla” located in Apure a state at the south of Venezuela; in January 2020 with more than 2,000 people benefitted.
Sponsors and collaborators