Sponsor a Child
Sponsoring a child can be an inspiring and rewarding experience. You will have
the chance to develop a connection with a girl or boy in need, provide them nourishment to grow and be healthy and strengthen an entire community. The generosity that comes from sponsoring our feeding initiative at Comedor El Palaciero, helps us transform the lives of children by providing food, education, and leadership to the communities of Lara.
By sponsoring a Child with VCI, you will help give the children of El Placiero two nutritious daily meals aiding in their health, growth, and development. With the support of generous sponsors like you – we have been able to strengthen children’s equity and provide a strong foundation for the community of Lara. By working together, you, your sponsored child and El Palaciero can achieve incredible things.
What You Get from Sponsorship
We hope sponsoring a child becomes a special relationship, going beyond the vital financial contribution you’re making. To nurture this – let you see how the children of the program grow, hear how they’re getting on, discover the improvements being made to their local community – you’ll receive:
An annual report
Photographs of the activities and educational programs being put on by Comedor El Palaciero
An e Newsletter about the activities and the metrics of showcasing the effect on the participants.
As a sponsor, you can support programs, innovation and infrastructure required to deliver our programs in areas such as protection, education, health, sanitation, and empowerment. Community led, self-sustaining projects in your sponsored child’s community and country create sustainable change and address the root causes of poverty.
Do sponsorship contributions go directly to the child?
When you sponsor a child, your contributions benefit the whole community in which the child lives, rather than going directly to the child you are sponsoring. Your contributions are pooled to support the feeding program in your sponsored child’s community. More than 80 years of experience have taught us that helping families and communities become self-sufficient is the best way to secure the child’s future.
How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
We ask for a minimum donation of € a month, which works out at about €4.20 a week or €0.60 a day, although many of our sponsors choose to give more. This monthly amount means that we can achieve lasting results from your sponsorship.

Can I communicate with my sponsored child?
Because this is a symbolic child, there is no direct contact. This is due to the fluctuation of program participants. We will however send you a welcome pack with photos and information about the children and the efforts being put forth by the El Palaciero community. You will also be receiving annual updates and photos, so that you can follow the program’s progress and find out more about the activities that VCI is supporting in their community.